Growing Pains

  • Public Relations: Crisis Avoidance
  • Public Relations: Damage Control
  • Internal Communications & Team Building
  • Public Speaking
  • Liaison Management 
  • Customer Service Coaching

Public Relations/Damage Control & Liaison Management:   

The End of Life Information Symposium

The most challenging project I undertook in terms of damage control was The End of Life Information Symposium in 2013. Brockville General Hospital (BGH) had invited Dr. Udo Schuklenk, Professor and Ontario Research Chair for Bioethics, to speak on assisted dying at the 2013 AGM in June. We had immediate reaction and concern from the community about appropriateness and the limits of only one perspective on an issue as important and controversial as euthanasia. 

As BGH communications lead, I was tasked with the job of creating a larger, more comprehensive information event. I gathered and chaired a committee with representation locally (BGH, Brockville & District Association for Community Involvement), and at the regional, provincial and national levels (Southeastern Ontario Regional Ethics Network, Ontario Long Term Care Association, Dying with Dignity Canada). 

In November, Brockville was host to The End of Life Information Symposium with top-flight speakers (including Dr. Schuklenk) offering the latest on the major facets of the issue: assisted dying, health law and end-of-life decision making, ethical implications, and the role of palliative care.  

What started as major community concern and potential backlash ultimately became an amazing professional and civil gathering around what remains a very sensitive and profound topic. It was a privilege to work with so many partners willing to create this ground-breaking event. I believe it will always be the project of which I am the most proud.